New Jersey Divorce Frequently Asked Questions
These are some frequently asked questions and basic answers on the legal issues involved in separation, divorce and custody. I ask you to keep in mind that law is tricky, every situation is different and that the answer to one issue can affect the answer to another issue. Judges have different temperaments and philosophies, so the results in each case may be specific only to that case and might not be applied to another case. Therefore, my answers here are only meant to provide some general legal information but should not be relied upon and are not intended to create an attorney-client relationship with you.
A website, no matter how good, is not a substitute for specific legal advice for your specific situation. Therefore, the answers below only convey general legal information, and not legal advice. Since the law changes constantly, do not rely on the information provided here as it may be stale.
Please consult an attorney first. Hiring an attorney can cost money, but not hiring one can end up costing a lot more.
My law firm specifically disclaims any and all responsibility for any legal effects or consequences directly or indirectly related to the interpretation or misinterpretation of the general information that is provided herein. The information provided is limited to the State of New Jersey, and not any other state. I also practice in New York, but matrimonial law is handled a little differently there.
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